Laboratory of Industrial Design, Workmanship and Materials (Lab-DIMM)
This laboratory is dedicated to the improvement on the excellency and quality of processes of manufacture, to create new materials and take advantage of the existing ones, as well as to innovate on the design of products with emergent technologies. Additionally it works collaborative in consultancy of companies to certificate them.

Specific goal
To have no limits to the innovation and creativity, always keeping in mind the interaction with other sciences and disciplines that enrich the laboratory.
Research and development lines
1. Company certification, to bring services of excellency, to attend the human necessities, improve production, sales, corporative image; keeping in mind the environment and ethical values of society.
2. Improvement of manufacture procedures.
3. Innovation in materials.
4. Modelling and creative and unique design of new products, of high international quality.
Current projects
1. SMEs company certification.
Projects that supports
1. Creative and innovative furniture for architectural spaces.
2. Design of orthosis, phrostesis and exo-skeletons.
3. Design of medical devises and biomedical products.
4. Creation of new construction and textile materials.
Laboratories of IDETI that collaborate with Lab-DIMM